Friday, May 25, 2012

First post

Welp, this is my first blog posting.  I've been meaning to make this earlier and very much regret not doing so.  Lots of things seem to be happening to keep people entertained and questioning the chats next turn of events.  This will make for a good diary of my web experience as a whole.  I've met lots of people and with all the feedback and suggestions from everybody, I am guessing this blog should fair out to be a good thing.  I want to  thank The JTV woodshed Macgregor blog for thelayout idea for a successful blog,  Consistency and a shoutbox seem to be key components in a working blog motor.  I close this posting with nothing much more to say other than Shits about to go down.


  1. I guess this is making up for that one picture Jenluv leaked 3 years ago. I bet she is looking at these new ones and wishes she could have a ride.
